Saturday 4 July 2015

Advertisement According to the Fields,








There are different ways of advertising. A product, corporation, company or any event can be promoted by different ways. Like television advertising, radio advertising, mobile billboard advertising and financial advertising.


  •  Television advertising- The main purpose of television advertising is to create an impulse purchase. So that the person sees the ad and immediately buys the product through toll free number or website. Television advertisement always describes and display about the features  of the product.

    Radio advertising- Radio is an expanding medium which can be found on air or online. It has some limitations such as it can be heard only and cannot be seen. It includes advertisements like warehouse sale ads, any announcements in the city.

    Mobile Billboard advertising- Mobile billboards are for the most part vehicle mounted boards or computerized screens. These can be on committed vehicles manufactured exclusively for conveying ads along courses preselected by customers, they can likewise be extraordinarily prepared load trucks or, at times, substantial flags strewn from planes.

    Financial advertising- It includes the advertising in the financial industry like about their business and services.Know more about their company . Example: banks and their mortgage  plans and investment plans.

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