Saturday 20 June 2015

What is Advertising


Advertising means to display a product and show it to people to take action means that they should be attracted to it and buy that product. They use different techniques to reach the targeted customers and make them to rely on the product or services. advertising is mainly paid. It includes the use of techniques and actors and locations to shoot or print the advertisement. Advertising makes the existence of the product in the market and good advertisement leads to the growth of the sales and even make the brand identity in the market.

Advertising has always been a integral part of marketing products and new launches and it is also a most common and known way of promoting different products and services. I believe that in the coming years technology will promote advertising and people can see the information of the product on television while viewing the advertisement and order it if they like. Moreover online chats while viewing and getting information on products or services can take it to a different standard.

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